Friday, February 29, 2008

Earn Everyday Through Internet Income Streams

Succeed with five dollars a day? Yes! You can succeed on the Internet with $5.00 a day... if you just do it enough times. Let me explain.

The 5 bucks a day idea is to set up income streams that will bring you at least $5 a day. You want to set up one of these each and every week. You make it a project to set up a new income stream with the potential to bring in $5 a day, and you do it every week.

Now, $5 a day is not a lot of money. But if you set up one $5/day income stream each week, at the end of a year you will have $5 X 52 weeks = $260/day coming in! After two years you would have $520 in daily income.

That is, if all your projects work and do bring in exactly $5 per day. They won't all work, of course. Some will do better, some will do worse. Some will do surprisingly well and others will flop. The expectation is that on average you can and will hit somewhere near your $5 a day target. So while not all projects work as expected, on average you will still build an income close to what your initial plan called for.

So where do you get these $5 a day income stream projects from?

The answer is too long to go into here, but here's an example of one to illustrate the point.

You could sign up to take paid online surveys. To do this you would need to choose a good guide company, with a strong money-back guarantee and a refund rate in the 3-5% range, to get you started off right.

When you sign up with your paid survey guide company, they will send you a copy of their "preferred survey makers" list. These are the good companies that pay in cash and points that can be converted to cash, and don't sell your contact info to sales companies.

(There are some 700+ survey makers in the U.S. alone; more than half of them will just waste you time and you don't want to deal with them. You hire the guide company to point you to the good ones, the ones that you can make money with.)

When you get your copy of the list of good survey makers, apply to as many as you can, all of them if possible. Get a copy of Robo Form or similar software to help you fill out repetitive forms fast. You need to apply to each survey maker individually and give them your contact and demographic info so they can send you surveys for which you qualify.

You can get all the applications filed in less than a week. That's the hard part, the setting up. After that you just wait to be invited to participate in paid surveys, and accept the invitations. You fill out the questionnaires fully, giving your honest opinion, and you get your checks in the mail.

It takes very little time to fill out the surveys. When you are invited to participate in focus groups, that takes longer, up to an hour at a time. But focus groups pay better, and they don't really take up much time for the money.

Most paid survey takers report an income of from $200 to $600 a month from paid surveys and related activities. That is $7 to $20 per day. It takes less than a week to set up, and very little time is required to maintain the income stream.

The following week you just find another project that that has the potential to bring in $5 per day. So the procedure is to just keep on doing that each and every week...

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