Monday, May 12, 2008

Multiple Income Streams

The best thing about having multiple streams of income is: you always have money coming in from somewhere. Having a steady stream of income produced by multiple sources can really keep you afloat. Especially, if you are just starting out. Everyone knows how discouraging it can be to make no money.

Don't count on making a million dollars overnight. Try to concentrate on building one thing at a time. Another words, take baby steps towards your multiple streams of income. Build each empire and get it going. Then start another empire, build it, and get it going. Start again. It's a very simple formula that works great.

Even if your multiple stream incomes right now are your 9-5 job and 1 small source online. That's a great start. Most people don't even have that much to start. That's a perfect foundation to build on. That shows that you already have online experience and are willing to take on extra. If you don't have any online experience in making money yet, your journey will be a bit longer. That should be pretty obvious. But you wouldn't believe how many people get a computer and think they can make a million dollars overnight.

A great advantage to having multiple streams of income is; You can help supply money to new projects from your other income sources. You don't have to take money out of your own pocket to start a business that might fail. Get it yet? In the business world, you want to always put money back into the business. So, as you make money and get used to your daily tasks; as with anything else, things become easier. You will probably want to take in more money and have the extra time. Your daily tasks are easier because they have become a habit. Your previous source of income should help to fund the new project you want to take on. If you keep this system going, you can have dozens of projects making money for you while one project pays for a new project.

Let's say you want to start a new project to start affiliate marketing now. You also have a full time job and ebay on the side. So, let your ebay income help the new project get going. When that new project starts bringing in money; Start using your ebay money as profit again, and make the new project fund another new project. Keep this cycle going to produce multiple streams of income.

You have to put money in to your business if you want it to grow. Most people just keep dumping money into the same business. The sad part is, the business is dead or close to dying. Spread yourself out. Some things that you wouldn't even guess bring in more money than others. You have to experiment and find out what works with you.